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Re: Sobre las sesiones de lectura de inglés - Preguntas - Impresiones - Comentarios

Publicado: 25 Abr 2017, 09:04
por toni528
Muchas gracias.

Alguien ha ido a las sesiones de ayer?

Re: Sobre las sesiones de lectura de inglés - Preguntas - Impresiones - Comentarios

Publicado: 25 Abr 2017, 11:45
por phdezv
Esto es de lo que me acuerdo de las lecturas de ayer lunes por la tarde, es que no tenía el bloc de notas a mano :D

1- Researching in general: which are the limits and who should set these limits

2- Space research: should we promote the researching of other planets in the universe?

3- Kids' IT skills and language learning: shall we promote both since early ages?

4- no me acuerdo

5- Election system in the US. What should we learn of it? Is it a good system?

6- The judges: would it be better to vote for judges, as in some other democratic countries like the US?

Re: Sobre las sesiones de lectura de inglés - Preguntas - Impresiones - Comentarios

Publicado: 25 Abr 2017, 12:56
por toni528
Muchas gracias, :D :D :D :D

Re: Sobre las sesiones de lectura de inglés - Preguntas - Impresiones - Comentarios

Publicado: 25 Abr 2017, 13:02
por mcmguerrero
Sesión 25/04/17 por la mañana:

1) Turkey and the EU. Recent changes in the EU; 2) Gambling addictions; 3) Small businesses. Issues they face
4) Public health and sugar tax; 5) Places to live. What makes a good city?; 6) Labour market. Social media investigation by employers


Re: Sobre las sesiones de lectura de inglés - Preguntas - Impresiones - Comentarios

Publicado: 25 Abr 2017, 18:26
por jaluibae
24/04/2017 1st OPPOSITOR:
PRIVACY. Opinion about its importance. Personal management about his privacy. Advices for reguard from new technologies. Culture of privacy on different places (countries), how to manage it?
Barby dolls, opinion about reason of decreasing sales. Differences and similarities between current and past toys.
TOONS. Difference between current and past toons.
Concern about current kids are allways busy and have no time to be bored (Its advantages and disadvantages).
Personal experience with dolls.
Are good massive events on traditional celebrations? Is a good idea to explode tourist attractions? Favourite activities to do in holidays. What should goverment invest.
Influence on other cultures in our traditions (e.g. American culture on our Christmas, or Saints Day influenced by Halloween).

Re: Sobre las sesiones de lectura de inglés - Preguntas - Impresiones - Comentarios

Publicado: 25 Abr 2017, 18:28
por opositic
phdezv escribió:Esto es de lo que me acuerdo de las lecturas de ayer lunes por la tarde, es que no tenía el bloc de notas a mano :D
1- Researching in general: which are the limits and who should set these limits
2- Space research: should we promote the researching of other planets in the universe?
3- Kids' IT skills and language learning: shall we promote both since early ages?
4- no me acuerdo
5- Election system in the US. What should we learn of it? Is it a good system?
6- The judges: would it be better to vote for judges, as in some other democratic countries like the US?
LUNES 24 de ABRIL de 2017 - Por la tarde.
1- Scientific Research in general: which are the limits and who should set these limits.
Do you think there should be any limits in research?
Who would set these limits? Who are to set these limits?
Should it be a national or an international effort?
What about artificial intelligence?
Shouldn’t we take care about robots before they act like humans?
2- Space research: should we promote the researching of other planets in the universe?
Do you think we should devote time and money on Space research?
Is it important for humanity? Why?
What do you mean when you say “we can learn more about us”?
Now that you have a Sci-Fi mindset, if we receive a signal from outer space do you think we should answer?
What are the risks?
Who would make the decision of answering?
3- IT skills and language learning of kids: shall we promote both since early ages?
Do you think children should be taught IT skills at a very young age?
You mention toys but videogames are more than enough for children now. Don’t you think?
In Finland children are taught to type before even knowing how to write. What do you think about that?
Do you think it is very interesting for children to be introduced to foreign languages at early stages of life?
4- Stereotypes.
Stereotypes in people. Do we tend to stereotype people from other countries? Or do you think people from other countries stereotype us?
What lies behind stereotypes? From where these ideas come? How are they created?
Do you think there were no stereotypes before globalization?
Can you specifically say what aspects of globalization create stereotypes?
How is this process generated? Any example?
5- US Political culture. Elections system in the US. What should we learn in it? Is it a good system? The judges: would it be better to vote for judges, as in some other democratic countries like the US?
Can you think of any feature of US political culture from where we can learn anything?
Do you know the process of choosing a candidate?
who chooses the candidate from the main two parties?
What are the problems of the phenomenon of the US elections? Which are the drawbacks?
Direct election of low level judges. People can vote for judges. What do you think about that?
Don’t you see a problem of political meddling in the process?
Based on what would you choose a judge?
How would you create and measure confidence among people?
The amount of people sent to jail could be a criteria, but that could be a problem as well. Don’t you think so?
6- Mass-media are portraying the judges.
What is the relation between judges decisions and the way they are portrayed in mass-media?
Do you think a common person (yes, let’s say common person) can differentiate between a person that has been arrested or a person that has been actually sentenced?
Is there any problem that should be addressed?
Maybe people shouldn’t be arrested on TV for example. What do you think?
Do you think it is easy to regain your reputation?

Re: Sobre las sesiones de lectura de inglés - Preguntas - Impresiones - Comentarios

Publicado: 29 Abr 2017, 20:50
por Pat
Martes 25 de abril por la tarde
No me acuerdo ya demasiado bien, pero los temas así a grandes rasgos fueron:

1. Situación judicial en España.
2. Celebrities
3. Inmigración
4. Teletransporte
5. ONU
6. Cooperación vs Competitividad

Re: Sobre las sesiones de lectura de inglés - Preguntas - Impresiones - Comentarios

Publicado: 30 Abr 2017, 09:15
por toni528
Muchas gracias :D :D :D :D

Re: Sobre las sesiones de lectura de inglés - Preguntas - Impresiones - Comentarios

Publicado: 30 Abr 2017, 10:23
por mcmguerrero
Temas del jueves 27.04 por la mañana:

1) Gentrification (este ha sido duro); 2) Fake news. How to avoid them and control them; 3) Freedom of speach, limits; 4) Basic income pros and cons; 5) TV series vs movies, why series are so popular these days?; 6) Gambling and gaming

Re: Sobre las sesiones de lectura de inglés - Preguntas - Impresiones - Comentarios

Publicado: 04 May 2017, 00:41
por ebrox
Hola a todos,

os dejo los temas que se han tratado en la sesión de por la tarde del día 3 de Mayo.

1. Violencia: si las mujeres son más o menos violentas que los hombres, si es una cuestión biológica...
2. Chernóbil y viajes: porqué a la gente le gusta viajar a este tipo de sitios.
3. Ecologistas y medio ambiente, problemas, soluciones, futuro, como pueden afectar las soluciones al empleo.
4. Crimen, si no pagar los impuestos es un crimen, por que hay que pagar impuestos
5. Transparencia, en la Administración, en los políticos, si el CV debe ser público, la vida privada de los políticos
6. expectativas de vida, por qué las mujeres viven menos que los hombres

Son notas breves, al final quieres estar a tantas cosas que es a lo que da, pero espero que os sirvan.

Gracias por todas las aportaciones, suerte a todos y ánimo!

Re: Sobre las sesiones de lectura de inglés - Preguntas - Impresiones - Comentarios

Publicado: 04 May 2017, 10:07
por toni528
Muchas gracias.
Alguien ha estado por la mañana?

Re: Sobre las sesiones de lectura de inglés - Preguntas - Impresiones - Comentarios

Publicado: 04 May 2017, 12:09
por gemapb
En la sesión de hoy jueves 4 por la mañana, los temas han sido:

- Opositor 1: The role of doctors in public health. What do you think about the taxes in sugar?
- Opositor 2: Minorital languages. Why do you think some are dissapearing? Do you think it is natural? Do you think they should be protected?
- Opositor 3: The power of companies like Facebook.
- Opositor 4: Animal rights. What is your opinion? Do you think it should be punished with jail mistreating an animal? What other measures would you adopt?
- Opositor 5: Bull fighting in Spanish culture. Do you think it is one of its characteristics? What other things represent Spanish culture? Do you think it is different from the rest of Europe?
- Opositor 6: Last year a woman almost became president of the US. Do you think it would hace been positive? Do you think there are differences between men and women in power? Why do you think there are more men in technology?

Por otra parte, no sé si lo han dicho ya, pero llamaron a todos los opositores que leían a las 9 de la mañana (lo digo por si alguien se ve tentado a llegar algo más tarde si lee el último). Luego hicieron el descanso entre el 3º y el 4º, que duró entre eso de las 9:50 y las 10:10, y terminamos a las 11. Supongo que si alguno de la segunda parte hubiera llegado más tarde le habrían dejado pasar, pero mejor no jugársela :)

Re: Sobre las sesiones de lectura de inglés - Preguntas - Impresiones - Comentarios

Publicado: 04 May 2017, 14:46
por fjf
Gracias a todos por vuestras aportaciones.
¿Alguien ha aglutinado todos los topics en un solo fichero?

Re: Sobre las sesiones de lectura de inglés - Preguntas - Impresiones - Comentarios

Publicado: 04 May 2017, 19:56
por iannucci
Jueves 4 Mayo Tarde

1: Access to Information
How does it affect to countries? Who sould check this information? Which criteria would you take before you trust in a source? What about developing in other countries? Computer literacy. How to fight the lack of IT skill knowledge?

2: Copyright
What does it mean? Is it fair to pay that fee? What about the content that is published on the internet?

3: Corporate Social Responsibility
Are companies really making a difference with these initiatives? How can they foster these initiatives? Why people don’t check if the companies are making ethical things? What about price? How can be reverted this behavior?

4: Entrepreneurship
pros and cons of having your own business. Which things do you need to start your own company?Is it easy to start a new business in our country nowadays? Luck. Do you think is important?

5: Energy
I read that a solar storm is going to leave us with no electricity. What do you think? What about food? Any lessons to learn of these countries? (Esta pregunta surge porque el opositor le estuvo diciendo que países no tan industrializados estaban mas preparados para vivir sin electricidad) Should government be ready for this? Should be citiziens?

6: Drug trafficking
Problems. Health issues. Alternatives in Mexico to controle this? What about other legal drugs like alcohol or tobacco?

Re: Sobre las sesiones de lectura de inglés - Preguntas - Impresiones - Comentarios

Publicado: 05 May 2017, 19:02
por dazu
Viernes 5 de mayo:

1: Brexit
What triggered Brexit in your opinion? Just outside phenomena or also internal factors?
Does the EU overregulates? Are the EU and country politics based on day to day decisions or mid-term/long-term plans?

2: Democratic system
What are the good things about it?
Political parties rarely quantify the costs of their promises. What is your opinion about it?
Western countries have tried to export democracy to other countries but they have not succeded. Why?

3: Food sustainability
What is your view on this?
Which are there environmental challengues to achieve it in the different regions?
Appearance of food. We buy by looks rather than taste. Should the government educate the public about this?
Organic food trend / fuzz. What is your view about it?

4: News on TV
What is your opinion about them?
Is news reporting neutral? Should it be neutral?
Is Spanish public TV neutral? How is spanish public TV funded?
TV license tax in Britain. What is your view on it?

5: Entrepreneurship
Can entrepreneurship help to solve the economic crisis? What is your opinion about this?
What makes a good entrepreneur?
Risk of failure. In Spain, failure is seen as a negative thing. What is your opinion?
Can you please give an example of entrepreneur? What do you admire about her?

6: Fashion industry in the world and Spain:
What is your view on this?
Is fashion an important industrial sector?
What are the problems of fashion industry?
Why do you think that some people are fashion-addicts?

¡Suerte y ánimo!